Understanding Box in Rust 🦀

Learn how to use boxes in Rust to store large data on the heap, share data between threads, and solve many challenging problems.

Anoop P Oommen
5 min readDec 13, 2022


In this article, we will explore what boxes are and why they are such an important concept in the Rust.

If you are new to Rust, you might be wondering What a `box` is? Simply put, a box is a data type that allows you to store a value on the heap. This is different from other data types in Rust, which are stored on the stack by default but by Box is stored on the heap.

So the next question becomes, why would you want to store data on the heap instead of the stack? There are a few reasons for this. The heap is generally much larger than the stack, so it can accommodate larger data structures. Secondly, data stored on the heap can be shared between different parts of a program, whereas data on the stack is local to the function in which it is declared making it accessible in the function itself and sharing data actually means copying data around or passing references.

In this article, we will dive into the details of how to create and use boxes. We will also look at some real-life examples that shows the power and flexibility of the box data type. So let’s get started!

Basic syntax

To create a box in Rust, you use the Box keyword followed by the type of value you want to store in the box, as shown in the following code

let my_box: Box<i32> = Box::new(10);

In the above example, we create a box that can store an i32 value (an integer with a size of 32 bits). The Box::new() function is used to allocate the value on the heap.

Once we’ve created a box, you can use it just like any other data type in Rust. For example, we can store it in a variable, pass it as an argument to a function, or return it from a function. Here is an example of using a box in a function

fn multiply_by_two(num: Box<i32>) -> Box<i32> {
let doubled = *num * 2;

In the above function, we are taking a Box<i32> as an argument and returning a new Box<i32> that contains the result of multiplying the value stored in the input box by 2. Notice how we use the Box::new() function to allocate the result on the heap and create the new box.

Advantages of using boxes

One of the main advantages of using boxes in Rust is that they allow us to store data on the heap, which is generally much larger than the stack. This means that we can use boxes to store large data structures that would not fit on the stack.

For example, let’s say we have a vector (a growable array) that contains a million elements. If we try to store this vector on the stack, we would likely run out of stack space and get a runtime error. However, if we were to store the vector in a box, we can allocate it on the heap and avoid this problem.

Another advantage of using boxes is that they allow us to share data between different parts of a program. When data is stored on the stack, it is local to the function in which it is declared. This means that it is not accessible from other functions or parts of the program directly.

However, when data is stored in a box, it can be accessed from anywhere in the program. This can be especially useful when we want to share data between threads, or when we want to create recursive data structures (e.g., a linked list or a tree) that reference themselves.

Understanding where to use it

One of the best ways to understand the power of boxes in Rust is to see them in action. Let’s look at a few real-life examples that illustrate the advantages of using boxes.

For example, let’s say we are building a web server in Rust that needs to serve a large number of concurrent requests. If we store the data for each request on the stack, we would quickly run out of stack space and our server would crash.

However, if we store the data for each request in a box on the heap, we can handle a much larger number of concurrent requests without running out of memory. This is because the heap is generally much larger than the stack, so we can accommodate more data by making use of the heap.

let request_data: Box<RequestData> = Box::new(request_data);

Another common use case for boxes is when we want to share data between threads. Data that is stored on the stack is not accessible from other threads, so if you want to share data between threads, we would need to store it on the heap. Boxes are a convenient way to do this, because they allow us to easily allocate data on the heap and share it between threads.

let shared_data: Box<SharedData> = Box::new(shared_data);

some people have used boxes to create linked lists and other recursive data structures

struct Node {
value: i32,
next: Box<Option<Node>>,

or to implement lazy evaluation and other advanced programming techniques.

fn lazy_evaluation(num: i32) -> Box<Fn() -> i32> {
Box::new(move || num * 2)


In this article, we have explored what boxes are and why they are such an important concept. We’ve also looked at the basic syntax of boxes, the advantages of using them, and some real-life examples that illustrate their power and flexibility.

If you want to learn more about using boxes in Rust, there are several additional resources available online. The Rust documentation provides detailed information on the Box data type, as well as the functions and methods that are commonly used with boxes. There are also many tutorials, blogs, and forums where you can find advice and examples from other Rust programmers.

In conclusion, mastering the use of boxes in Rust can open up a whole new world of possibilities for your programs. Whether you are building a web server, a multithreaded program, or a recursive data structure, boxes can help you solve many challenging problems and unlock the full potential of the Rust programming language. So, start using boxes in your Rust programs today and see the difference it makes!

